NHL Betting Strategies: Using Power Rankings to Your Advantage Online

October 24, 2023by japatrade0

When it comes to NHL betting, having a solid strategy in place is key to increasing your chances of success. One strategy that many experienced bettors utilize is using power rankings to their advantage. Power rankings provide a systematic approach to rating teams based on their performance, and can be a valuable tool when it comes to making informed betting decisions. In this article, we will explore how you can use power rankings to your advantage when betting on NHL games online.

What are Power Rankings?

Power rankings are a ranking system used to assess the relative strength of sports teams. In the context of the NHL, power rankings are often compiled by experts or sports analysts who use various factors, such as team records, recent performances, and player statistics, to determine how teams stack up against each other. These rankings can be extremely helpful for bettors looking to gain insights into team performances and make more informed wagers.

Why Use Power Rankings for NHL Betting?

Using power rankings for NHL betting can provide several key advantages:

you have familiarized yourself

  • Identifying Trends: Power rankings can help bettors identify trends in team performance. By analyzing the rankings over time, you can identify teams that are consistently performing well or struggling, which can be useful in determining your betting strategies.
  • Comparing Team Strengths and Weaknesses: Power rankings allow you to compare teams objectively and assess their strengths and weaknesses. This information can be used to make more accurate predictions about how teams will perform in upcoming games.
  • Informing Betting Decisions: Power rankings provide a reliable source of information that can guide your betting decisions. By considering the rankings along with other relevant factors such as injuries, home-field advantage, and head-to-head records, you can make more educated betting choices.

How to Use Power Rankings for NHL Betting

Here are some steps you can follow to effectively use power rankings for NHL betting:

  1. Identify Trusted Power Rankings: Look for reputable sources that provide reliable power rankings. There are many websites dedicated to NHL analytics and statistics that offer power rankings. Find sources that have a proven track record and are known for their accuracy.
  2. Study the Rankings: Take the time to study the rankings and understand the methodology used. Different sources may use slightly different criteria to assess team strength. Familiarize yourself with the factors considered in each ranking system.
  3. Analyze Trends: Use the power rankings to identify trends in team performance. Look for patterns in how teams are ranked and use this information to assess their current form.
  4. Consider Other Factors: While power rankings can be a great tool, remember to consider other relevant factors such as injuries, home-field advantage, and head-to-head records. Combine this information with the power rankings to make the most informed betting decisions.
  5. Track Results: Keep a record of your bets and compare them to the power rankings. This will help you evaluate the effectiveness of using power rankings in your betting strategy and make any necessary adjustments.

Incorporate Power Rankings into Your Betting Strategy

Once you have familiarized yourself with power rankings and have a good understanding of their importance in assessing team strengths, you can incorporate them into your overall NHL betting strategy.

Here are a few ways you can use power rankings:


  • Identify Underdogs: Power rankings can help you identify teams that are ranked lower but may have the potential to outperform higher-ranked opponents. These underdogs can present value betting opportunities if their current form suggests they have a higher chance of winning than indicated by their ranking.
  • Spot Overvalued Favorites: On the flip side, power rankings can also help you spot overvalued favorites. If a team is highly ranked but has recently been underperforming or facing challenges, it may be worth considering betting against them.
  • Home Vs. Away Performance: Power rankings can also give insight into a team’s home and away performances. Some teams may have a significant advantage when playing at home, while others may struggle on the road. Use this information to your advantage when betting on games.


Using power rankings can significantly enhance your NHL betting strategy. By leveraging the insights provided by these rankings, you can make more informed decisions and increase your chances of success. Remember to combine power rankings with other factors and always practice responsible betting.

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